Tuesday, 8 May 2018


So after life threw me several curve balls this year, I have decided that it's high time to release another e.p. It's been 4 years since "Heresy". It's not made me famous but as a piece of personal art, it's something I'm proud of, and the satisfaction in revisiting it gives me a buzz every time.

After several false starts, such as "Faith" and "Hades" - I realised I was trying way too hard to reinvent the wheel and songwriting became a chore which led to me producing all instrumentals.

I have had a lot of time to reflect recently. There have been big changes in my life. Between buying a house, family bereavement and growing a little bit older and (hopefully) wiser, I have realised life is a lot more fleeting than we realise. So if I'm gonna promise myself I'll do something, I should keep that promise to myself.

I have selected six songs which, I believe, are up to standard. Each song has been written over the years, a couple have been recorded before, from the mid noughties up until the present. The theme I noticed running through them, is suggested in the name. Neighbours spying on neighbours, children's imaginations running wild, urban legends etc. I can't promise what it will sound like as I don't know myself to be honest. My biggest influence at this current time are Glam Rock, ethnic Romany folk (see "Gypsy" without intending offence) and Yemenite folk music. This doesn't necessarily suggest what it will sound like but I would suggest listeners expect a surprise or 3!

The real work starts on Thursday, my next day off. But the work has already begun and I'm feeling excited about producing songs (of the lyrical persuasion) for the first time in a long time.

Thanks for reading. Watch this space.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


"Ride On" as performed by Christy Moore, takes on a life of it's on when you hear it. It's iconic, hell - it's an anthem. And it is virtually untouchable and to think it could be is pure sacrilege. So the rest of us mere mortals can only tread around a perfect song with our imperfect versions. I recorded my own version over a year ago and being unhappy with it, consigned it to the "vaults" as it were. Said "vaults" being a dusty old hard-drive.

Recently having moved, a lot of old stuff has popped up out of everywhere and upon reviewing the files on my hard-drive, I rediscovered my recording. There was a certain charm to it, my view had softened through time. My broken down voice surprised me coming out of the speaker. It had been that long since I recorded my vocals, I'd forgotten the sound of my own voice. I've always veered between trying to sing and struggling with a singing voice a good few years of chain smoking can produce, but I kind of liked this version.

So yesterday, I sat down with the rough version and added a few strings and an oboe. That was what I'd been missing in the mix. Amazing the clarity of a year can produce when you've thrown something by the wayside. I love this song and I'd never do it a disservice. I only hope someone else will find a place in their ears or heart for my own humble version. This is "Ride On". Thanks for listening.

I employed my trusty Partsocaster "Selena", and a treble boosted Boss CE-5 into a Liverpool pedal (Vox Sim). The strings and woodwinds were samples from Eastwest Hollywood Strings, Woodwinds respectively.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

2018 - Plots and plans.

A very happy new year to you all! I've been pretty busy musically. Personally too - and this will take precedent over the next couple of months as plans come to fruition so expect my musical output to be significantly less during this time.

I've signed up for an international trailer scoring competition, which I have completed over the Christmas but the final judging takes place in April, so I must keep the piece to myself before then. Anyone who is curious or willing to take part can find the details at HORRORHOTEL.NET.

I've reviewed the previous competition winners and it does seem pretty competitive and high quality. I'm also happy with my own efforts and quite confident in my ability, as one would need to be. It involves scoring a trailer (provided) which is shorn of the original music.

The trailer is of the film "The City Of The Dead" renamed "Horror Hotel" for American audiences. It features Christopher Lee in a Hammer-esque role typical of his career at the time c.1960.

It provides pure gold in terms of theme and timing and I think I may be on to a good thing with what I have created. Watch this space and thanks for reading.