Got your attention yet? Good!
Due to ongoing difficulties with my website provider who can't seem to sort out a simple domain error, I have decided to effectively retire the website. There is no point in paying for the service I expect and getting little or none to that effect. I am aggrieved at the loss of all the literal work I put in but it's not going to bring me down. I have also decided to drop the sequel idea to "Heresy" which was "Faith" as it was taking it's toll on me.
Basically I need to be in a certain place to write or create songs which are rather dark, especially of that ilk. It's not been a particularly happy year for myself or my family, and I find, as I immerse myself back into the story I created, I am going back to the same dark places I found myself earlier in the year. Places I hoped I'd never visit again. So I have begun a new journey, one which I was unaware I had already started. I am on a more positive path, with plenty to look forward to in the coming weeks and months. Autumn has crept in, my favourite time of year, and my music is taking a brighter route - filled with hope, wonder and non-stop dreaming! I will be uploading some new work soon, I know I've been away for a while but there have been plenty of distractions.....
Stick with me, I haven't left you. Keep the faith and watch this space. Thanks for reading.
They be a pain Phil. Good luck with getting what you feel out there and let's know if you have a new URL so we can check in, listen and all stay in touch.